Admissions Information

Boys Referred To Our Program

  • are emotionally and behaviorally disturbed
  • may have experienced physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse
  • are beyond parental control
  • have history of delinquency, including status and non-status offenders
  • have sexually challenging or sexual harming behaviors.
  • have a history of fire setting
  • have serious school problems, which may include inappropriate school behaviors, truancy, low academic achievement, and educational handicaps (serious emotionally disturbed and learning disabled) as specified in PL94-142 and PL101-476 (I.D.E.A.)
  • are involved with drugs and alcohol
  • are a potential danger to themselves and others without immediate intervention
  • have a diagnosis of mental or emotional disturbance or disorder, as defined in the Statistical Manual, fourth edition of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM V)
  • cannot be therapeutically maintained in the natural family or family foster care

Our professional Admissions Coordinator screens all referrals from individuals or agencies.

To Be Considered, A Boy Must

  • be between the ages of 13 and 17
  • have an IQ of 80 or above

Active substance use, psychosis, and boys who are actively homicidal or suicidal in the last 6 months are not accepted.


If a boy meets or general criteria for acceptance, we request the following information:

  • immediate presenting problems
  • juvenile court records
  • medical records
  • social history
  • family history
  • educational history
  • results of psychological testing
  • achievement scores

With this information, our admissions team meets with a representative of the referring agency, the youth, and his parent(s). If accepted, the boy’s name is placed on a waiting list. When admission is inappropriate, our staff recommends other agencies or individuals who can meet the boy’s needs.

Further Information

To make a referral, or to obtain additional information about our program, please contact our Admissions Coordinator between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Telephone: 503-259-3138  Fax: 503-649-7405
Or e-mail:

2024 St. Marys Home For Boys